Fig. 3.
Detection of acyclovir analytes using RP-HPLC. Approximately 15 × 106 cells were incubated overnight with 20 μCi [3H]acyclovir (specific activity, 15.3 Ci/mmol), and analytes were separated by applying the concentrated cell lysate to a C18 beta basic column and collecting fractions every 15 s. The data are from cord sample 10. Tritium counts from extracts of anti-CD3-plus-anti-CD28-activated cells (solid black line) and PHA-activated cells (solid gray line) are graphed as functions of elution time. Pure standards of acyclovir, ACVMP, and ACVTP (Moravek) in 100% MeOH were mixed together to obtain the retention time of each analyte. Retention times of standards were used to identify peaks and are represented by asterisks corresponding to acyclovir (137 s), ACVMP (245 s), and ACVTP (627 s). No standard for ACVDP was available, and the identity of this peak is inferred.