Fig. 2.
Higher percent contribution of trifunctional NK cells to the total NK cell response in *h/*y+B*57 than Bw6 homozygotes (hmz) SP requires coexpression of the *h/*y 3DL1 receptor genotype and the HLA-B*57 ligand. Scatter plots show the percent contributions of trifunctional NK cells to the total K562-stimulated NK response for HLA-B*57 (B*57)-positive SP versus those with Bw4 alleles other than HLA-B*57 (Non-B*57-Bw4) (A), for carriers of HLA-Bw4 and 3DL1*h/*y genotypes (*h/*y+Bw4) versus 3DL1*l/*x genotypes (*l/*x+Bw4) (B), and for carriers of a 3DL1*h/*y genotype with HLA-B*57 (*h/*y+B*57), a 3DL1*l/*x genotype with HLA-B*57 (*l/*x+B*57), a 3DL1*h/*y genotype with an HLA-Bw4 allele other than HLA-B*57 (*h/*y-Other Bw4), and Bw6 hmz (C). The line through each scatter plot is the median for the group. Mann-Whitney U tests were used to test the significance of between-group differences. P values for comparison are shown over the line linking two groups.