Figure 5.
Pdx-1, Hlxb-9, and MNR2 turn off Shh expression. (A) Shh is normally expressed in the gut tube epithelium but not in the pancreas, liver, and bile duct. (B) Double in situ hybridization for misexpressed Pdx-1 (orange) and Shh (blue) shows that Pdx-1-expressing cells in the intestine cease expressing Shh. (C) Double in situ hybridization for misexpressed Hlxb-9 (orange) and Shh (blue) shows that Hlxb-9-expressing cells in the intestine cease expressing Shh. (D) Double in situ hybridization for misexpressed MNR2 (orange) and Shh (blue) shows that MNR2-expressing cells in the intestine cease expressing Shh. Bars, 100 μm.