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. 2011 May;77(10):3422–3427. doi: 10.1128/AEM.02763-10

Table 1.

Strains and plasmids used in this study

Strain or plasmid Relevant features Reference
    E. coli strains
        MG1655 Frph-1 5
        S17-1 λpir recAthiprohsd(r m+) RP4:2-Tc:Mu:Km Tn7 λpir Tpr Smr 16
    S. plymuthica strains
        RVH1 Wild type; natural isolate 20, 23
        RVH1 splI splI::aacC1 Gmr 22
        RVH1 budB budB::EZ-Tn5 Kmr This study
        RVH1 budR budR::cat Cmr This study
        RVH1 budA::lacZ RVH1 with chromosomal lacZ reporter fusion to budAB promoter; Kmr This study
        RVH1 splI budA::lacZ RVH1 splI with chromosomal lacZ reporter fusion to budAB promoter; Gmr Kmr This study
        RVH1 budR budA::lacZ RVH1 budR with chromosomal lacZ reporter fusion to budAB promoter; Cmr Kmr This study
    pTRC99a Cloning vector carrying IPTG-inducible trc promoter (Ptrc); Apr 2
    pTRC99a-Ptrc-budAB pTRC99a carrying the budAB operon fused downstream of Ptrc This study
    pFPV25 Cloning vector carrying promoterless gfp; Apr 19
    pFPV25-PbudR-gfp pFPV25 carrying the budR promoter fused upstream of gfp This study
    pUC18 Cloning vector; Apr 26
    pUC18-budA::lacZ-kan pUC18 carrying the budAB promoter fused to lacZ This study
    pSF100 Pir-dependent replicon; Apr Kmr 13
    pSF100-budR::cat pSF100 carrying budR::cat This study
    pSF100-budA::lacZ-kan pSF100 carrying the lacZ reporter cloned into the budA locus This study