Fig. 7.
Ex vivo detection of LUC activity by bioluminescence imaging. Three rabbits infected with the 247Nluc+-excised strain and presenting clinical signs of WD-MCF were given d-luciferin and euthanized 15 min later. Organs were explanted and analyzed for light emission. (A) Representative bioluminescent analyses of spleen, kidneys, lung, liver, and pLN explants of rabbits from two independent experiments (n = 3 animals) with similar results are shown. Rabbits were identified according to the day of euthanasia postinfection (see numbers). Images are presented with a relative photon flux scale adapted to each image in order to use the full dynamic range of the pseudocolor scale. (B) Luciferase signals in selected liver lobes and magnified for visualization of punctiform surface foci. The images are representative of data from two independent experiments and show either a standard photograph (Photo) or the same photograph overlaid with the luciferase signal (Photo+LUC). (C) Quantification of LUC bioluminescent signals per isolated organ. Each point shows the average radiance value of each organ for one individual rabbit of two independent experiments. Error bars show means ± SEM (n = 6 animals). (D) Kinetics of ex vivo bioluminescence emission of explanted organs analyzed at regular intervals. Results are shown as average radiance per organ. Error bars show means ± SEM (n = 3 animals). (E) Luciferase signals in appendix and mesenteric LN. The image shows either a standard photograph (Photo) or the same photograph overlaid with the luciferase signal (Photo+LUC).