Fig. 3.
Increased generation of myeloid dendritic cells from myeloid progenitor cells latently infected with a viral IL-10 deletion virus. CD34+ myeloid progenitor cells were mock infected or latently infected with either parental virus (Parent) or a viral IL-10 deletion virus (vIL-10 del). Cultures of cells infected with vIL-10 del virus supplemented with recombinant viral IL-10 proteins were also generated (vIL-10 del + vIL-10). (A) Flow cytometry scatter plots of Lin− cells expressing HLA-DR and CD11c to identify myeloid DCs. (B) Graph depicting the percentage of myeloid DCs. (C) Graph depicting the fold change in viral genome load in cells infected with the viral IL-10 deletion virus relative to parental virus-infected counterparts. The number of independent biological replicate experiments (n) is shown. Error bars indicate the standard errors of the means. Significant differences (P value of <0.05) between the values for samples were determined by a one-tailed, paired Student's t test and are denoted by an asterisk.