Figure 2.
Flow cytometric analysis of fetal liver cell populations. (a) Distribution profiles of cells expressing c-kit and TER119 are shown for littermate wild-type and RXRα−/− embryos isolated at E12.25. The scale for both axes is presented in log units. The designations of regions R1–R4 was made on the basis of the presence of troughs between peaks. R1 includes progenitor cells, R2 includes proerythroblasts, R3 represents erythroblasts and erythrocytes, and R4 includes hepatocytes and potentially other nonerythroid hematopoietic cells. Note the concentration of cells in the R3 region in the wild-type embryo, and the disproportionate number of cells in the R1 and R2 regions in the homozygous embryo. (b,c) Compiled representation of cellular distributions, expressed in terms of total cell number per fetal liver for each region. (b) Cellular distributions at E12.25. (c) Cellular distributions at E14.25. (Solid bars) Wild-type plus heterozygous embryos; (hatched bars) RXRα homozygous embryos; error bars, ±S.E.M.