Figure 7.
Sum1-1p-mediated silencing was associated with histone deacetylation. Chromatin immunoprecipitations used MATα haploids of the genotypes SIR SUM1 (lanes A, W303), sir2Δ (lanes B, JRY4565), sir2Δ SUM1-1 (lanes C, JRY7152), and sir2Δ SUM1-1 hst1Δ (lanes D, JRY7154). DNA immunoprecipitated with one of two different anti-acetyl-histone H4 antibodies (AcH4, lanes 5–8,9–12) or anti-acetyl-histone H3 antibody (AcH3, lanes 13–16) was analyzed by simultaneous PCR amplification of the indicated region (top) and the SSC1 promoter (bottom). A total of 1/25,000 of the input DNA (lanes 1–4) and 1/50 (lanes 5–8,17,18) or 1/250 (lanes 9–16) of the immunoprecipitated DNA was analyzed. Negative control lanes had samples prepared without antibody in the immunoprecipitation (lanes 17,18).