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. 2011 May 28;88(3):454–468. doi: 10.1007/s11524-011-9581-6

Table 3.

Low-weight birth incidence, 2008

Simple regressions: low-weight birth incidence 2008 = dependent variable
Independent variable R2 (adjusted) P F ratio Pos/Neg
Black segregation 2000 0.727 <0.0001 78.23 Pos
Murders per 100,000 (2007) 0.5972 <0.0001 43.99 Pos
Murders per 100,000 (2000) 0.5156 <0.0001 31.87 Pos
Unemployed persons/pop 16–64 years (2000) 0.3959 0.0001 20 Pos
Murder rate 1990 0.3588 0.0003 17.23 Pos
Unemployed 1990 0.3599 0.0001 19.53 Pos
Percent public assistance 1990 0.1648 0.015 6.72 Pos
In multivariate stepwise regression with LOB 2008 as dependent variable, black segregation was the sole independent variable
Backwards stepwise regression with black segregation removed and LOB as dependent variable:
Murder rate 2007 and unemployed 2000: only murder rate 2007 remained as independent variable.
Murder rate 2000 and unemployed 2000 0.5069 <0.0001 15.91
LOB 2008 = 7.5 + 0.305 (murder rate 2000) − 0.206 (unemployed 2000)
Murder rate 1990 and percent with public assistance 1989: 0.5438 <0.0001 18.29
LOB 2008 = 7.82 + 0.1459 (murder rate 1990) − 0.2737 (percent public assistance 1989)