Figure 1.
Chromosome structure and function defects in Su(var)2-10 homozygotes. (A) Melanotic tumors are visible in homozygous third-instar larvae (right side), but not heterozygous larvae (left side). (B) Mutant salivary gland nuclei (right panel) are significantly smaller and contain disorganized polytene chromosomes in comparison to wild-type nuclei (left panel). Note the absence of banding in the mutant nuclei. Bar, 5 μm. (C–J) DAPI-stained mitotic chromosome preparations from larval neuroblasts. Top panels are metaphase (C–F), bottom panels are in anaphase (G–J). C and G are controls, the rest are Su(var)2-10 trans-heterozygotes (see Materials and Methods). Note the abnormal chromosome condensation in D—F, and the aberrant segregation (H), chromosome fragments (I, arrow), and anaphase bridges (J, arrow) in mutant cells. The magnification for all mitotic figures is 1250×.