Figure 6.
Cytokinin levels in wild-type and sps plants. Cytokinin bases (free and released) and cytokinin glucosides (free and released) were measured using scintillation proximity immnoassay after hydrolysis and purification (including the HPLC step to resolve different cytokinins). Cytokinin bases: zeatin (Z), dihydrozeatin (DZ), and N6-(2-isopentenyl) adenine (iP); cytokinin O-glucosides (zeatin O-glucoside [OGZ] and dihydrozeatin O-glucoside [OGDZ]); cytokinin N-glucosides (zeatin-7-glucoside [Z-7-G] and zeatin-9-glucoside [Z-9-G]). Data were derived from five samples.