Table 4.
Lines of further research: Major questions
Do prohibitions against men entering a room where nursing mothers reside apply to proximity with newborn babies and, if so, what are the implications for men's participation in prevention of mother-to-child transmission services, or in services for most vulnerable children? |
What is the potential for social and global media to change attitudes and norms around men's caregiving and the equal sharing of domestic labour, especially among children and young men and women who are targeted by early stereotyping? |
What are the features of a multisectoral approach that successfully reduces gender essentialism? |
What social interventions change gender status beliefs for long-term reductions in gender inequality? |
What methods make unpaid, invisible labour and its costs more visible to policymakers? What methods demonstrate the contribution of women's unpaid, invisible caregiving labour to national budgets? |
What is better practice in gender equality-oriented caregiving policy? |
What is the effectiveness of quotas for male caregivers? |
What are the politics of and resistance to equal sharing of responsibilities in a given setting? |
What is the effectiveness of school programs that provide role models and caregiving skills to boys? |
What strategies and conditions are effective in raising female caregivers' critical consciousness and mobilizing women as agents of change for increased gender equity in HIV/AIDS caregiving? |