Table 2.
The 7Cs
C1 | Communication | Identify patients in need of palliative care, regular meeting to discuss with team and/or primary health care trust, label notes, use advanced care plan |
C2 | Co-ordination | Allocated co-ordinator for whole, key carer/link person/link worker for each patient |
C3 | Control symptoms | Use of assessment tool, agreed note keeping and action points, equipment standard and PRN (taken only as needed) medication |
C4 | Continuity | Form sent to out of hours provider, patient held record or medication card |
C5 | Continued learning | Regular review/audit of last deaths using significant event analysis, programme of ongoing training, library resource |
C6 | Carer support | Staff issues and learning points + feedback after death, all staff supported |
C7 | Care in the dying phase | Modified Liverpool Care Pathway implemented in last days of life, agreed practice for notification of relatives, death certification and after death care, support for the bereaved families, support for staff and other residents as needed |