Figure 4.
Prevalence of pathology identified on ultrasound scan. (n), number of cases; US, ultrasound; GHJ, glenohumeral joint; SAB, subacromial bursa; CAL, coracoacromial ligament; LHB, long head of biceps tendon. aSubacromial pathology: any one of three present; dimension ≥2 mm, fluid/effusion or calcification. bSubacromial bursa dimensions: <1 mm (71); 1-2 mm (82); 2-3 mm (42); >3 mm (5). cSubacromial bursal effusion associated with full thickness rotator cuff tear (7). dSupraspinatus tears: intrasubstance (23); partial thickness-bursal surface (4); partial thickness-articular surface (8); full thickness (10). eInfraspinatus tears: intrasubstance (1); partial thickness (1); full thickness (1). fSubscapularis tears: intrasubstance (5); partial thickness (4); full thickness (1).