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. 2011 May 28;12:119. doi: 10.1186/1471-2474-12-119

Figure 8.

Figure 8

Prevalence of pathology identified on MR arthrogram. (n), number of cases; LHB, long head of biceps tendon; ACJ, acromioclavicular joint; GHJ, glenohumeral joint; OA, osteoarthritis; SAB, subacromial bursa; aACJ degenerative changes: mild (28); moderate (18); severe (5). bAcromioclavicular joint pathology - other: os acromiale (2); unfused acromial ossification centre (1); acromial spur (4); widened joint space/subluxation (2); synovitis (1). cRotator interval pathology: coracohumeral or superior glenohumeral ligament thickening (40); rotator interval synovitis (39); biceps pulley, coracohumeral or superior glenohumeral ligament tear (13). dGlenoid labrum tear: isolated labral tear (5); associated pathology present (39); SLAP tear (20); SLAP Type II (17), Type III (2), Type IV (1); anterior-inferior tear (9); semi- or full circumferential tear (7); posterior-superior tear (1); other tear (9); paralabral cyst (10); paralabral cyst causing suprascapular nerve compression (2). eGlenohumeral joint pathology - other: bony irregularity humeral head without marrow oedema (12); Hill-Sachs lesion (3); intra-articular/osseous body (3); ganglion cyst between coracoacromial and coracohumeral ligaments (1); greater tuberosity fracture (1). fSubacromial bursitis: mild (52); moderate (12); severe (4) gSupraspinatus tears: intrasubstance (11); partial thickness-bursal surface (5); partial thickness articular surface (12); full thickness (7). hInfraspinatus tears: intrasubstance (4); partial thickness (3); full thickness (0) iSubscapularis tears: intrasubstance (4); partial thickness (0); full thickness (2)

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