The distribution of host susceptibility predicted by model 2 with fitted parameters: p = 0.0059, α = 0.335, β = 143 (Table 3). Host susceptibility is characterized by the overall probability of disease causation for a single ODV, pξ, which is the product of the per virion chances of successful penetration, p, and the probability of successful infection given successful penetration, ξ. The shape of the cumulative distribution of pξ is the same as that of the beta distribution for ξ, but the domain of the former is limited to (0, p], and the distribution is accordingly shifted to the left compared to the beta distribution for ξ which has (0,1] as its domain. A logarithmic scale is used for the abscissa to represent the broad range of susceptibility in the host population, which is reflected in shallow dose response and is – as shown in this paper – intrinsically associated with a high incidence of mixed genotypes in cadavers.