Abnormal T-cell development in fetal Rent1/hUpf1 dominant-negative Tg (TG) mice. (A) Normal thymocyte maturation. Thymocytes DN for CD4CD8 can be further subdivided into four discrete stages of differentiation defined by expression of CD25 and CD44 as shown. Only cells that express a functional TCR down-regulate CD25, up-regulate CD4 and CD8, and undergo selection. Flow cytometric analysis of thymocytes from fetal (at the indicated Fds) WT or Rent1/hUpf1 Tg mice with antibodies to CD4 and CD8 (B), CD25 and CD44 (C), TCR-β (D), and TCR-γδ (E). (Insets) Percentage of gated cells in each quadrant from a representative litter is given within each panel.