Figure 3.
xPAPC depletion does not affect patterning and innervation events. xPAPC antisense morpholinos were single side injected to examine possible effects in patterning (A, A', B, B') or innervation (C, C', D, D'). (A, A', B, B') ISH at stage 26 for the anterior otic marker Nkx5.1, n = 15 (A, A') and the ventral marker Pax2, n = 31 (B, B'). xPAPC depletion shows no impact. (C, C', D, D') ISH for NeuroD at stage 26, n = 21 (C, C', C'') and stage 28, n = 8 (D, D', D''). NeuroD expression is unaffected from xPAPC knockdown. Black dot marks the otic vesicle. epIX, epVII = epibranchial placodes; gVIII = statoacoustic ganglion; gPr = profundal placode; pAD = anterodorsal lateral line placode; pM = middle lateral line placode. Scale bar 500 μm (A-C', D-D'), 100 μm (C'', D'').