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. 2001 Apr 1;29(7):1491–1506. doi: 10.1093/nar/29.7.1491

Table 3. Proteins similar to those of putative Type I RM systems of Anabaena.

Accession no.d
Sequences similar to orf308A Type IB RM proteins  
HsdM -. Orf311A Anabaena 1 × 10–153 Genome sitee
(271 amino acid C-terminus) 1. EcoE HsdM Escherichia 2 × 10–94 pir:I41293
  2. EcoA HsdM Escherichia 2 × 10–94 pir:A47200
  3. StySKI HsdM Salmonella 9 × 10–93 gb:CAA71895
  -. Orf658 Nostoc 6 × 10–23 Genome sitef
  -. Orf588 Nostoc 1 × 10–4 Genome sitef
HsdS -. Orf311A Anabaena 3 × 10–90 Genome sitee
(550 amino acid) 1. CfrA Citrobacter 3 × 10–58 pir:S06097
  2. EcoE Escherichia 2 × 10–47 pir:P19705
  3. EcoA Escherichia 2 × 10–46 pir:P19704
  -. Orf658 Nostoc 4 × 10–8 Genome sitef
HsdR -. Orf308B Anabaena <10–200 Genome sitee
(430 amino acid C-terminus) 1. EcoA Escherichia 1 × 10–141 pir:I41291
  2. EcoE Escherichia 1 × 10–140 pir:I41292
  3. StySKI Salmonella 2 × 10–53 gb:CAA71894
  -. Orf658 Nostoc 7 × 10–8 Genome sitef
Sequences similar to Orf308B/311A Type IB RM proteins
HsdM 1. EcoE HsdM Escherichia 1 × 10–101 pir:I41293
(296 amino acid C-terminus) 2. EcoA HsdM Escherichia 1 × 10–101 pir:A47200
  3. StySKI HsdM Salmonella 1 × 10–100 gb:CAA71895
HsdS 1. EcoA Escherichia 4 × 10–81 sp:P19704
(542 amino acid) 2. StySKI Salmonella 1 × 10–40 gb:CAA71896
  3. CfrA Citrobacter 7 × 10–35 gb:CAA35604
  4. EcoE Escherichia 8 × 10–30 sp:P19705
HsdR 1. EcoA Escherichia <10–200 pir:I41291
(776 amino acid) 2. EcoE Escherichia <10–200 pir:I41292
  3. StySKI Salmonella 3 × 10–53 gb:CAA71894
Protein sequences similar to Orf260 Type IC RM protein
HsdM 1. LldI Lactococcus 1 × 10–120 pir:T09460
(537 amino acid) 7. HsdM Helicobacter 1 × 10–93 pir:E71886
  -. Orf339A Anabaena 1 × 10–67 Genome sitee
  -. Orf376B Anabaena 4 × 10–47 Genome sitee
  -. Orf641 Nostoc 4 × 10–21 Genome sitef
HsdR 1. HsdR Helicobacter 1 × 10–127 pir:B71890
(933 amino acid) -. Orf376B Anabaena 1 × 10–25 Genome sitee
  -. Orf641 Nostoc 3 × 10–10 Genome sitef
Sequences similar to Orf339A Type IC RM protein
HsdM 1. HsdM Helicobacter 1 × 10–180 pir:C71810
(803 amino acid) -. Orf376B Anabaena 6 × 10–43 Genome sitee
  -. Orf641 Nostoc 8 × 10–19 Genome sitef
HsdS 1. HsdS Methanococcus 8 × 10–22 pir:B64316
(425 amino acid) -. Orf641 Nostoc 3 × 10–3 Genome sitef
HsdR 1. HsdR(179) Klebsiella 6 × 10–65 pir:T30818
(179 amino acid N-terminus) -. Orf376B Anabaena 2 × 10–4 Genome sitee
Sequences similar to Orf376B Type ID RM protein
HsdM 1. Cj1553c Campylobacter 1 × 10–171 gb:CAB73544
(527 amino acid) 2. HsdM Pasteurella 1 × 10–135 gb:AAC44666
  -. Orf641 Nostoc 4 × 10–20 Genome sitef
HsdS 1. Cj1551c Campylobacter 6 × 10–29 gb:CAB73967
(390 amino acid) 2. MJECL41 Methanobacter 5 × 10–15 pir:H64514
HsdR 1. Cj1549c Campylobacter <10–200 gb:CAB73965
(1011 amino acid) 2. HI1285 Haemophilus <10–200 pir:F64114
  3. HsdR Pasteurella 1 × 10–198 pir:JC5216
  -. Orf641 Nostoc 6 × 10–8 Genome sitef

aProtein sequence from Anabaena used in BLAST search (26) of the combined GenBank, PDB, SwissProt, PIR and PRF databases, followed by length of sequence in amino acid residues. Partial sequences were used when full sequences were unavailable. Cyanobacterial sequences are shown in bold.

bProteins found by BLAST search, ranked by score. Scores of proteins not found in combined databases were obtained by a pairwise BLAST comparison.

cScore represents expected number of proteins at least as similar to target within the combined databases.

dgb, GenBank; sp, SwissProt; pir, Protein Information Resource.

eSequence obtained from the Anabaena web site (, last accessed June 2000.

fSequences obtained from the N.punctiforme web site (, last accessed June 2000.