Figure 4. Rrp1 controls expression of the glycerol gene operon (bb0240-0243).
(A) Relative transcript levels of the glycerol operon glp (bb0240-bb0243) in wild-type, rrp1, and rrp1com by real-time RT-PCR. RNA was isolated from late logarithmic phase cultures grown at 35°C in standard BSK-II medium. Values represent the average copy number for each gene (± standard deviation) normalized per 1000 copies of flaB. (B–E) growth curves of wild-type, rrp1, rrp1com or rrp1/flaBp-glp at 23°C (D, E) or 35°C (B, C) in standard BSK-II medium (B, D) or BSK-glycerol medium (C, E). The initial cell density was 3×105 cells/ml for each strain. Spirochetes were enumerated under dark-field microscopy. Data presented here is from one representative experiment with three independent cultures. Each data point was the average of data from three independent cultures. *, P<0.05.