Figure 5. Glycerol induces expression of rrp1 and bb0240-bb0243.
Wild-type B. burgdorferi strain B31 5A4NP1 was grown at 35°C in either standard BSKII or BSK-glycerol medium. Cells were harvested at late logarithmic phase. (A) qRT-PCR. RNAs were extracted and subjected to real-time RT-PCR analyses for rrp1, bb0240, bb0241, bb0242, bb0243, rpoS, ospC, and flaB. Levels of expression of each gene were normalized with the level of flaB expression in each sample. Relative fold change of gene expression between the two growth conditions were reported (with levels of expression of each gene in standard BSKII media as values of 1). **, p<0.01. (B) immunoblot against Rrp1, FlaB, or OspC. Lane 1, spirochetes cultivated in BSK-II medium. Lane 2, spirochetes cultivated in BSK-glycerol medium. Upon normalization against FlaB, Rrp1 level is 1.7 fold higher in BSK-glycerol medium than that in standard medium.