Figure 3.
Cross-correlation searches to determine the orientation of particles in the sub-tomograms. Model particles in different orientations were compared with particles in the sub-tomograms and the resulting correlation coefficients were plotted on a stereographic projection (the plots are analogous to the representation of the surface of the Earth onto a flat map). See Methods section for details. (A) Comparison of the wild-type mosaic particle sub-tomogram with the immature dengue virus structure. (B) Comparison of the prR201A mutant immature-like particle with the immature dengue virus structure. Peaks in the searches correspond to positions of fivefold symmetry axes in the tomograms (see Methods section for details). The interval between contours is 1σ. The coloured lines connect the icosahedral fivefold symmetry axes. The search in (B) shows peaks corresponding to two independent icosahedral symmetries.