Response of repair-defective
UV5 cells to UV irradiation following transfection with various
XPD constructs. (A and B) UV survival
of AA8 (filled cirlces), UV5 (solid line, no symbols) and 24 h transfected
UV5 cells (A) or UV5 stable transformants (B) expressing EGFP-XPD
(open circles), XPD–EGFP (squares), untagged XPD (triangles)
or XPDΔ557–696–EGFP
chimera (dashed line, no symbols). Each survival curve represents
the means of at least three independent experiments with standard
errors (SEM) always <10%. (C)
DNA repair synthesis following irradiation with a UV dose of 20
J/m2 in AA8, UV5 and UV5 cells stably transfected
with pEGFP-XPD or pXPD-EGFP plasmid. The frequency distributions
of nuclei with different grain numbers are shown. Arrows indicate the
mean values of UDS ± SEM.