Fig. 4. Impaired locomotor recovery in Tat-Bcl-xL and Tat-BH4-treated rats.
Transformed BBB scores for left and right hindlimb per animal were averaged and analyzed as combined score. Plotted data represent the mean ±SEM per time point of combined BBB score of Tat-Bcl-xL (n=8); Tat-BH4 (n=9) and vehicle treated (n=9) injured rats. Rats treated with either Tat-Bcl-xL or Tat-BH4 showed decreased locomotor recovery during the first 10 days after injury in comparison to vehicle treated animals. (*) p<0.05 compared to vehicle –treated group. Transformed data were analyzed using Two-ways Repeated measures ANOVA with Bonferoni post-hoc corrections).