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. 2011 Apr 18;286(27):23877–23887. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M111.234682


Crystallographic data collection and refinement statistics

PDB accession code 2q3e 2qg4 3itk
Synchrotron beamline SLS, X10SA SLS, X10SA Diamond I03
Wavelength 0.95362 Å 1.03315 Å 0.9763 Å
Space group P21 R3 P212121
Unit cell dimensions a = 116.0, b = 184.1, c = 170.9 Å a = b = 193.9, c = 352.2 Å a = 89.1, b = 106.6, c = 349.1 Å
α = γ = 90.0° α = β = 90.0° α = β = γ = 90.0°
β = 109.2° γ = 120.0°
Resolution rangea 50.0–2.00 Å(2.11–2.00) 60.00–2.10 Å(2.21–2.10) 52.90–2.40 Å(2.53–2.40)
No. of unique reflectionsa 452,865 (65,636) 288,088 (42,048) 130,411 (18,766)
Completenessa 99.6% (99.1%) 100.0% (100.0%) 99.8% (99.4%)
IIa 9.7 (2.0) 7.6 (1.8) 7.9 (2.1)
Rmergea 0.089% (0.636%) 0.139% (0.711%) 0.131% (0.550%)
Redundancya 3.9 (3.9) 3.9(3.8) 4.0 (3.3)

    No. of atoms P/L/Ob 35,787/800/2755 28,546/580/3023 21,656/0/1321
Rfact/Rfree 0.173/0.205% 0.178/0.225% 0.199/0.241%
r.m.s. bond lengthc 0.010 Å 0.010 Å 0.016 Å
r.m.s. bond anglec 1.234° 1.238° 1.463°
Bmean P/L/Ob 33.0/25.7/35.0 Å2 17.0/15.1/23.9 Å2 15.4/-/20.6 Å2

a Values in parentheses show the statistics for the highest resolution shells.

b P/L/O represents protein/ligand/other (water, ion, and solvent).

c r.m.s. indicates root mean square.