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. 2011 May 17;286(27):24394–24406. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M110.189662



Analyses of tr-NOESY spectra of TL, TB, and TL+TB in LPS micelles. Selected sections of two-dimensional 1H-1H tr-NOESY spectra of TL (panels A and B), TB (panels C and D), and TL+TB (panel E). Panels A and B, NOE connectivities between α proton (CαH) and amide proton (NH) resonances (panel A) and the aromatic ring proton resonances with the up-field shifted aliphatic side chain resonances (panel B) for TL peptide. Panels C and D, NOE connectivities between α proton (CαH) and amide proton (NH) resonances; panel C, down-field shifted side chain resonances of residues Asn7 and Lys10 with the up-field shifted aliphatic side chain resonances for TB peptide. All the long-range NOE contacts are boldface and italicized. Panel E, superposition of a section of tr-NOESY spectrum of TB (in gray contour) and TL + TB (in black contour) correlating NOE connectivities from amide proton resonances with aliphatic proton resonances highlighting the absence of long-range NOE contacts for TB in TL+TB tr-NOESY spectra.