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. 2011 Apr 6;13(7):599–610. doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntr049

Table 1.

Comparing Content by Group in Study 1 and Study 2

Content area Study 1
Study 2
Control Experimental Control Experimental
Names used for waterpipe X X X
How does a waterpipe work X X X
Flavoring added to tobacco X X
Origins, spread of, and subgroups who use waterpipe X X
Comparing amounts of CO, nicotine, tar, and aldehydes between waterpipe and cigarettes X X
Types and exposure levels of other harmful chemicals in waterpipe (e.g., naphthalene, flourene, acenapththene pyrene, phenantrene, and anthracene)a X X
Misleading labels about amount of tar in waterpipe X X
Health effects related to waterpipe use (e.g., heart disease, lung/mouth cancer, and infections due to sharing of mouthpiece) X X

Note. X = topic covered.


Chemicals were associated with a common product (e.g., naphthalene was associated with moth balls).