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. 2011 Apr 6;13(7):599–610. doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntr049

Table 2.

Baseline Demographic, Smoking History, and Patterns of Use

Variable Study 1 (N = 91) Study 2 (N = 112) p value
    Mean age (SD) 20.4 (2.0) 20.6 (2.1) 0.46
    Percent women 24.2 33.3 0.14
    Race 0.09
    Caucasian 76.7 64.3
    African American 5.6 4.5
    Hispanic 6.7 4.5
    Asian or Pacific Islander 7.8 20.5
    Other 3.3 6.2
Year in school 0.49
    Freshman 14.4 17.9
    Sophomore 31.1 21.4
    Junior 14.4 16.1
    Senior 34.4 34.8
    Graduate 5.6 9.8
Smoking history and patterns of use
    Mean age started hookah use (SD) 17.8 (1.4) 17.6 (1.5) 0.38
Learned about waterpipe from friends 95.6 94.6 0.28
Why did you start waterpipe smoking 0.50
    Curious about tobacco used 71.0 70.5
    Like the way waterpipe are crafted 20.0 6.2
    Like the smell of waterpipe tobacco 48.9 46.4
    Like the taste 61.1 54.5
    Hookah bar/café opened nearby 41.1 43.8
    My friends use waterpipe 82.2 83.9
Frequency of waterpipe use 0.38
    Monthly 61.1 65.2
    Weekly 32.2 32.1
    Daily 6.7 2.7
When usually smoke waterpipe 0.22
    Mornings 0.0 0.0
    Afternoons 3.3 0.9
    Evenings 96.7 99.1
Mean minutes per waterpipe session 37.2 (23.3) 34.3 (19.3) 0.34
Smokes more than 60 min after waking up 100.0 100.0 NE
Waterpipe most difficult to give up 0.83
    The first, always 11.1 10.0
    The first, in general 24.4 25.4
    The first, maybe 42.2 37.3
    Any other one 22.2 27.3
Smoke when seriously ill 0.0061
    Yes, absolutely 1.1 0.0
    Yes, probably 6.7 0.9
    Yes, maybe 20.0 8.9
    No 72.2 90.2
Do you smoke waterpipe as a social habit 0.24
    Yes, absolutely 21.1 31.2
    Yes, probably 40.0 34.8
    Yes, maybe 21.1 23.2
    No 17.8 10.7
Smokes waterpipe with others 100.0 100.0 NE
Where typically smokes waterpipe 0.59
    Home/dorm 43.3 46.4
    Café or restaurant 24.4 25.9
    Friend's house 25.6 25.0
    Other 6.7 2.7
Owns a waterpipe 51.1 39.3 0.09
Current use of other tobacco products
    Cigarettes 49.4 50.9 0.84
    Cigar 27.5 20.5 0.25
    Black and mild 24.2 16.1 0.15
    Pipe 13.2 8.9 0.33
    Chew or dip tobacco 2.2 5.4 0.25
    Snuff 1.1 0.9 0.88
    Bidis 0.0 0.9 0.37
Mean number of other tobacco products used other than waterpipe 1.2 (1.1) 1.03 (1.0) 0.35

Note. Unless otherwise stated (Ms and SDs), numbers represent percentages. For categorical variables, the hypothesis that the distribution of counts across categories was the same for the populations from which the two study samples were drawn was tested by a chi-square test statistic. For continuously distributed variables, the hypothesis that the means were the same for the populations from which the two study samples were drawn was tested by a t test. Numbers have been rounded. NE = not estimable.