Table 1.
Example of sentences presented during the story task, embedded with Real, M+, and M− critical words. Critical words are displayed in bold text.
R condition: |
Several white fluffy clouds spotted the clear blue sky. |
Thunder rumbled and low grey clouds gathered over the horizon. |
Philip unearthed a rusty yet usable knife and quickly pocketed it. |
Philip sharpened the blade of the knife carefully. |
M+ condition: |
Several white fluffy meeves spotted the clear blue sky. |
Thunder rumbled and low grey meeves gathered over the horizon. |
Philip unearthed a rusty yet usable yepal and quickly pocketed it. |
Philip sharpened the blade of the yepal carefully. |
M− condition: |
Several white fluffy meeves spotted the clear blue sky. |
Thunder rumbled and low grey yepals gathered over the horizon. |
Philip unearthed a rusty yet usable meeve and quickly pocketed it. |
Philip sharpened the blade of the yepal carefully. |