The Csnk1δ/ε inhibitor PF-670462 (PF) dose-dependently blocks NAcc amphetamine (AMPH) induced locomotion. (A) Locomotor activity counts before and after NAcc AMPH (arrows) in three experiments each testing the indicated dose of PF (n/group=6-8). Insets show 60-minute total locomotor counts following AMPH (*, P<0.05, ***, P<0.001, vs Saline; ††, P<0.01, vs AMPH; Scheffé). (B) 60-minute total locomotor counts following NAcc saline or PF alone (n/group=6-7). (C) Injection cannula placements in the NAcc core. The numbers to the right indicate millimeters from bregma (Paxinos and Watson, 1997). Data are shown as mean±SEM.