PF blocks NAcc AMPH induced phosphorylation of Darpp-32. Representative immunoblots of (A) pDarpp-32(S137), Darpp-32 and Csnk1δ/ε and (D) pDarpp-32(T34) in the NAcc of rats in the four treatment groups. (B) pDarpp-32(S137)/Darpp-32 ratios (*, P<0.05, vs Saline; ††, P<0.01, vs AMPH; Scheffé), (C) Csnk1δ/ε protein levels, (E) pDarpp-32(T34)/Darpp-32 ratios (*, P<0.05, vs Saline; †, P<0.05, vs AMPH; Scheffé), and (F) Darpp-32 protein levels obtained in the NAcc for the four treatment groups (n/group=6). Data are shown as mean±SEM.