MTT growth inhibition curves.
Each point represents 24 measurements; eight repeats per cell line
per plate and three plates for each dose. Growth inhibition was
calculated as irradiated:unirradiated mean cell growth for each
cell line. A linear quadratic fit was used to produce all the curves.
Common α and β parameters were
fitted for different experiments, with cell lines of the same individual
type, i.e. LNCaP, empty vector or ribozyme-transfected cells, and
a common β parameter of –0.0034
(±0.0007) Gy–2 was
fitted for all curves. Open circles, LNCaP; open triangles, V4;
open squares, V19; closed squares, R4, closed circles, R16; closed triangles,
R23. Fitted functions: dotted line, LNCaP; dashed line, empty vector-transfected
cells; solid line, ribozyme-transfected cells.