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. 2011 May 25;9:20. doi: 10.1186/1478-4505-9-20

Table 3.

Factors influencing "Clients Satisfaction" (logistic regression)

Variables Description and coding parameter (1) β S.E. P-value Exp(B) ( 95% CI )
(Constant) -4.754 1.416 .001 .009
Sex Male = 1, Female = 0 .139 .414 .737 1.149 .511 2.587
Age Age in years .015 .030 .610 1.015 .958 1.076
Staff duration Staff duration of service in years .042 .025 .091 1.043 .993 1.096
Religion Muslim = 1, Christian = 0 -.520 .425 .221 .594 .258 1.368
Ethnic group Hausa = 1, Others = 0 .414 .404 .306 1.513 .685 3.342
Residence Inside city = 1, Outside city = 0 -.046 .340 .893 .955 .490 1.860
Educational level: Tertiary = 1, Below Tertiary = 0 -.191 .475 .687 .826 .326 2.095
Occupation status: Senior staff = 1, Junior staff = 0 .255 .433 .556 1.291 .552 3.019
Salary income ($) Monthly salary income in US ($) equiv. .000 .001 .071 .999 .998 1.000
Marital status: Polygamy Vs others Polygamy = 1, Others = 0 2.735 1.188 .021 15.415 1.502 158.173
Monogamy Vs others Monogamy = 1, Others = 0 2.258 1.117 .043 9.562 1.071 85.393
No. of children > 4 children = 1, < = 4 children = 0 -.302 .374 .419 .739 .355 1.539
Hospital Visit in the past 1 month Had Visit = 1, No Visit = 0 .561 .323 .083 1.752 .930 3.299
Length of enrolment (yrs) > = 2 years = 1, < 2 years = 0 .516 .314 .100 1.676 .905 3.102
General knowledge on insurance More knowledge = 1, less knowledge = 0 2.010 .326 .000 7.465 3.944 14.130
Awareness on money contribution More aware = 1, less aware = 0 .720 .341 .035 2.055 1.054 4.007
n 280
Nagelkerke R2 .417
-2 log likelihood 277.188a
Cox & Snell R2 .310

Model test: LR χ2(16) = 104.031, p < 0.001