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. 2011 Jun 10;11:462. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-11-462

Table 1.

Parameters used in the economic model

Description Base case value Distribution References
Vaccine Efficacy

 Severe infections hospitalisation (first year) 0.945 Lognormal mean 0.945 (SE 0.014) [21]

 Waning rate per year (exponential decrease) 0 NA [23]

 Mild infections requiring an office visit (average first 2 years, see Methods) 0.874 Lognormal mean 0.874 (SE 0.052) [24]

 Waning rate per year (exponential decrease) 0.09 NA Assumption

 Mild infections treated at home (first year) 0.720 Lognormal mean 0.720 (SE 0.040) [21]

 Waning rate per year (exponential decrease) 0.18 NA [21]

Incidence per million children (<5 years)

 Total number of community-acquired RV cases 65,680 Normalised mean: 65,680 (90%CI; 43,890-90,945)a [9]

 No medical help requested 52,947 Total number of cases minus total number of GP visits (calculated)

 GP visits 12,733 Normalised mean: 12,733 (90%CI; 6,922-20,384)a [9]

 Total hospitalisations 3600 Pert (2600; 3600; 4500) [9]

 Of which nosocomial infections 13% NA [16]

 Deaths as% of total number of hospitalisations 0.02% Triangular (0%; 0.02%; 0.12%) [18]

Total QALY detriment

 Rotavirus infection treated at home [25,26]
 0-18 months 0.0015 See Methods section
 18-59 months 0.0025

 Rotavirus infection requiring medical attention (GP) [25,26]
 0-18 months 0.0022
 18-59 months 0.0031 See Methods section

 Rotavirus infection requiring hospitalisation (including nosocomial) [25,26]
 0-18 months 0.0036 See Methods section
 18-59 months 0.0042

Total direct costs per case

 Case treated at home (0-3 years)b 4.25 Triangular (2.66; 4.25; 7.44) [7]

 Case requiring GP visitb 70.08 Triangular (52.08; 70.08; 82.70) [7,28]

 Case requiring hospitalisation 2146 Triangular (1933; 2146; 2359) [7,16,42]

 Case requiring hospitalisation (nosocomial) 1825 Triangular (1280; 1825; 2377) [7]

Total indirect cost per case (care giver taking care of child)

 Case treated at home 35.26 Triangular (31.74; 35.26; 38.79) [28,42]

 Case requiring GP visit 51.09 Triangular (45.99; 51.09; 59.20) [28,42]

 Case requiring hospitalisationc 55.41 Triangular (49.87; 55.41; 60.95) [28,42]

 Case requiring hospitalisation (nosocomial) 45.34 Triangular (40.80; 45.34; 49.87) [28,42]

 Total cost per vaccinee 50, 75, 100 Triangular (50; 75; 100) Assumption

NA, not applicable; SE, standard error

a Square root transformation was applied.

b Cost for older children were lower as diapers were not assumed to be used any more in children aged 3 years and older.

c In the model indirect costs and QALYs are corrected for indirect costs and QALYs which have already occurred at the GP to avoid double counting (as we assumed that all hospitalised cases would already have visited a GP before being hospitalised).