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. 2011 Mar 29;3(2):1732–1743. doi: 10.3390/cancers3021732

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

(A) Normal control DNA sample with 41 individual peaks (red) in the absence of HhaI and 15 separate peaks (blue) in the presence of HhaI. (B) Normal thyroid sample with methylation of CASP8 and RASSF1. (C) Papillary thyroid cancer (Case 3 - tumor block) with methylation of CDKN2B and RASSF1. (D) Papillary thyroid cancer (Case 3 -normal block) with methylation of CASP8 and RASSF1. (PTC – papillary thyroid cancer, A1T – block A1 tumor, A6N – block A6 normal).