Fig. 2.
Video and gait analyses of locomotor patterns observed during running in the Step-Wheel. A: bottom-view photographs of mice running in the wheel while drinking. The mouse is shown running, from left to right, on peg patterns A, B, and C1 shown in Fig. 1C. B–D: example of paw positions of 14 consecutive frames in peg pattern A (B), peg pattern B (C), and complex peg pattern C1 (D). The positions of left forepaw, right forepaw, left hindpaw, and right hindpaw are shown in yellow, green, red, and blue circles, respectively. The circles with thick contour represent the positions of paws just detached from a peg (the 1st frame in a swing phase). E–G: representative gait patterns during performance of peg pattern A (E) and peg pattern B (F) and 1 of the gait patterns observed in complex peg pattern C1 (G). The sequence in which the paws departed from pegs is indicated by arrows.