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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2011 Jul 19.
Published in final edited form as: JAMA. 2011 Jan 19;305(3):267–274. doi: 10.1001/jama.2010.2016

Table 1.

Demographic and Clinical Characteristics by Treatment Arm at Baseline.

Baseline Characteristic1 Escitalopram (N =104) Placebo (N=101)

N % N %
Age at screening, mean (SD) 53.45 (4.20) 54.36 (3.86)
  42 – 49 16 15.4 8 7.9
  50 – 54 48 46.2 47 46.5
  55 – 59 30 28.8 36 35.6
  60 – 62 10 9.6 10 9.9

  White 53 51.0 49 48.5
  African American 47 45.2 48 47.5
  Other 4 3.8 4 4.0

  ≤ High school diploma or GED 15 14.4 23 22.8
  School/training after high school 46 44.2 41 40.6
  College graduate 43 41.3 37 36.6

Employment status
  Retired or no employment 23 22.1 28 27.7
  Homemaker 9 8.7 6 5.9
  Full-time 48 46.2 46 45.5
  Part-time 19 18.3 16 15.8
  Other 5 4.8 5 5.0

Marital Status
  Never married 18 17.3 13 12.9
  Divorced 18 17.3 26 25.7
  Widowed 4 3.8 6 5.9
  Married or living with partner 64 61.5 56 55.4

  Never 53 51.0 46 45.5
  Past 30 28.8 29 28.7
  Current 21 20.2 26 25.7

Alcohol use (drinks/week)
  0 41 39.4 41 40.6
  1–<7 51 49.0 41 40.6
  7+ 12 11.5 17 16.8

BMI (m/kg2), mean (SD) 28.58 (6.59) 29.70 (6.42)
  <25 32 30.8 22 21.8
  25 – <30 34 32.7 38 37.6
  ≥ 30 38 36.5 40 39.6

Menopause status
  Post-menopause 84 80.8 83 82.2
  Late Transition 17 16.3 15 14.9
  Early Transition 3 2.9 3 3.0

  Hysterectomy 13 13 13 13
  Hysterectomy + oophorectomy 11 10 8 8
  Oophorectomy only 3 3 1 1
  None 77 74 78 78

Self-reported health
  Excellent 18 17.3 13 12.9
  Very Good 41 39.4 40 39.6
  Good 36 34.6 37 36.6
  Fair 7 6.7 11 10.9
  Poor 1 1.0 0 0.0

PHQ-9 Depression score, mean (SD) 3.24 (3.06) 2.94 (3.24)
  No depression (0–4) 76 73.1 77 76.2
  Mild depression (5–9) 24 23.1 15 14.9
  Moderate+ depression (10–13) 4 3.8 8 7.9

GAD-7 Anxiety score, mean (SD) 2.50 (3.34) 2.19 (3.33)
  No anxiety (0–4) 80 76.9 82 81.2
  Mild anxiety (5–9) 19 18.3 15 14.9
  Moderate+ anxiety (10–19) 5 4.8 4 4.0

There are no significant differences between the 2 study groups as tested by t test or chi-square.