Steady state analysis and flux analysis of the system. Panel A, the steady state value of x(t) as a function of parameter [Mgex ] for simulated yvc1 cch1 mutant in extracellular medium with high calcium concentration (parameter [Caex ] = 800 mM). The simulated cytosolic calcium level of our model yvc1 cch1 mutant rests within 0.173–0.212 μM (regardless of the initial conditions) as the media Mg2+ level (parameter [Mgex ]) ranges from 0 mM to 90 mM. Panel B, the simulated flux proportion of Transporter M in the total cytosolic Ca2+ influx as a function of t for yvc1 cch1 mutant under hypertonic shock (at t = 0, parameter [Caex ] suddenly increases from 0 mM to 800 mM and at the same time parameter [Mgex ] suddenly increases from 0 mM to various concentrations (0 mM, 0.3 mM, 3 mM, 30 mM, 90 mM)). Please note that the blue, green and yellow curves coincide with the red curve in this graph. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of the article.)