Figure 5.
Effects of experimental conditions on the frequency of transduction and on the distribution of vector copies in the population. CFC with VCN values comprised between 0 and 0.1 were categorized as 0; those comprised between 0.1 and 1.1 were categorized as 1; those comprised between 1.2 and 2.1 were categorized as 2 and those with VCN superior to 2.1 were categorized as >2. Bars represent average percentage of CFC in each category over the total number of CFC analyzed. The number of CFC analyzed is indicated between brackets for each graph. (a) Transduction with an ultracentrifuged GFP-LV using various concentrations of vector. Results represent data pooled from three separate transduction experiments. (b) Transduction with an ultracentrifuged WASP-LV using several concentrations of vectors and either one or two consecutive infections (hits). Results represent data pooled from two separate transduction experiments. (c) Transduction with the GFP-LV at concentration of 2 × 108 IG ml−1 given once or twice. Results represent data pooled from two separate transduction experiments. (d) Transduction with two batches of chromatography purified WASP-LV using two concentrations. Data from one experiment.