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. 2011 Jun 30;(114):1–14. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.114.1490
1(4) Ocelli absent 2
2(3) Subanal scale with a hook; promerite broad, incised apically, much shorter than posterior gonopods Titanophyllum gen. n.
3(2) Subanal scale without a hook; promerite slenderer, distally expanded, slightly longer than posterior gonopods Mammamia gen. n.
4(1) Ocelli present 5
5(6) Promerite with a long, falcate appendage apically Acropoditius
6(5) Promerite without such an appendage 7
7(8) Promerite with a long, straight filamentous process at midlength; posterior gonopods simple Rhamphidoiulus
8(7) Promerite a filamentous process; posterior gonopods complex 9
9(15) Promerite half as long as posterior gonopod 10
10(11) Male mandibular stipes with expanded lobes (Southeast Asia) Anaulaciulus
11(12) Male mandibular stipes without a lobe (Europe, Caucasus) 13
13(14) Promerite simple; posterior gonopods with an anterior ‘mesomerital’ process Brachyiulus
14(13) Promerite complex, with a well developed ridge and a basal cavity mesally, apex subconcave; posterior gonopods without anterior ‘mesomerital’ process Grusiniulus
15(9) Promerite nearly as long as posterior gonopod 16
16(17) Male mandibular stipes without a lobe; metazonital striation absent; mesomerital process lying well apart from the main stem of the posterior gonopods, separated by a deep, broad concavity Balkanophoenix
17(16) Male mandibular stipes with a lobe; metazonital striation present; mesomerital process usually lying in close proximity to the main stem of posterior gonopods Megaphyllum