Time from stimulus to peak force (upper panel) and time from peak force to 50% relaxation (lower panel) during isometric twitches of red muscles from anterior (ANT) and posterior (POST) axial locations in common thresher sharks at different temperatures. As reported for other sharks, both ectothermic and endothermic, there is a slowing of the twitch kinetics with decreasing temperature, but little or no difference in twitch kinetics between muscles from anterior (40% fork length) and posterior (60% fork length) locations. *Different from ANT, p < 0.05. (J. Donley, C. Sepulveda, S. Aalbers, D. McGillivray, D. Syme & D. Bernal 2009, unpublished data). White bars, 8°C; grey bars, 16°C; black bars, 24°C.