Figure 2. Benthos availability, sea-level change and coastal configuration of continental margins in the North Pacific Ocean, at select intervals, during the last 120 ka.
A) Geographic plates at the top of the figure depict reconstructed coastal configurations and 20 m depth contours for (a) present day, (b) 15 ka, (c) 45 ka, (d) 70 ka, (e) 100 ka, and (f), 120 ka. See Table 1 for regional boundaries and summary data; depth data from ETOPO1 [115]. B) Left axis on the plot shows bar graphs with available benthos at 20 m increments at select time intervals (a–f). Right axis shows mean sea-level changes in past 130 ka, using data from Miller et al. [43]. Dashed lines indicate (left, in orange) current sea-level and (right, in blue) current benthos availability.