Figure 2. Movement kinematics show slow or fast improvement during L-rate and H-rate learning sets, respectively.
(A) Initial directional deviation of movements to the learned target (LT), as a function of the number of trials to the learned target along the learning days of L-rate (red) and H-rate (blue). (B) Initial directional deviation as a function of time during the first day of the L-rate (red) and H-rate (blue) learning sets. Right: examples of trajectories to the learned target on the last 10 force-field trials (red, blue) and during the STD2 (green) on the first learning day. Note that performance under the H-rate showed complete adaptation on the first day with minimal deviation under the perturbation and large aftereffects in the standard trials that followed adaptation. In contrast, under the L-rate condition it took 4-5 days to reach similar performance. Green brackets denote the range in which the STD2 epoch interfered with learning at different learning sets (standard trials are not shown). Shaded areas denote SEM.