Fig. 4.
Reduction of serine peptidase activity in Δopb
A: Effect of deletion and re-expression of OPB in L. major promastigotes on the cleavage of 5 μM Bz-R-AMC. Relative activity was calculated compared to WT for each experiment. For each assay, 6 × 106 cells were used, with the mean of between 5 and 11 experiments shown ± SEM.
B: Effect of over-expression of OPB in L. major promastigotes on the cleavage of 5 μM Bz-R-AMC. Relative activity was calculated compared to WT for each experiment. For each assay, 6 × 106 cells were used, with the mean of between 4 and 11 experiments shown ± SEM.
C: Fractionation of OPB. Western immunoblot showing partition of OPB to either soluble or membrane fraction of L. major. Lane 1; soluble fraction, 2; pelleted fraction. Purified anti-OPB antibody was used, with controls of anti-EF-1α and anti-GP63 antibodies.