Figure 3.
Time course effect of the intra-mPFC administration of the 5-HT2CR antagonist SB 243213 on the increase in accumbal DA outflow induced by cocaine. SB 243213 was injected into the mPFC (vertical arrows) 30 min before cocaine. The doses injected are indicated in parentheses in µg/ 0.2 µl. Cocaine (coc) was administered intraperitoneally at 10 mg/kg at time zero. Data are presented as the mean ± SEM percentages of the baseline calculated from the three samples preceding the first drug administration (n= 5–8 animals/group). ***p<0.001 versus the vehicle/vehicle (v / v) group and ++p<0.01, +++p<0.001 versus the vehicle/cocaine (v / coc) group (Fisher's PLSD test).