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. 2011 May 20;(100):371–392. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.100.1360

Table 1.

Mann-Whitney U test for the total carabid catch rate (number of individuals/trap*day), rarefaction standardized species richness, and the proportion of individuals of different ecological, trophic and dispersal groups of carabids. Disturbed (D) and control (C) stands were compared during 2003-2008; test statistics (U), statistical significance (asterisks), and mean and SD values for D and C are shown. Significance levels: *** – p < 0.001; ** – p < 0.01; * – p < 0.05; n.s. – p > 0.05.

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Catch rate
U 1.929 * 4.646 *** 3.380 *** 3.733*** n.s. n.s.
D 0.11±0.06  0.06±0.02 0.14±0.07 0.15±0.06 0.36±0.23 0.28±0.12
C 0.20±0.10 0.25±0.06 0.24±0.09 0.29±0.09 0.34±0.14 0.22±0.06
Species number
U 4.314 * 3.380 *** n.s. 3.443 *** 4.646 *** 3.899 ***
D 9.05±1.79 6.93±1.56 8.65±1.66 11.79±2.45 16.43±3.89 13.92±3.86
C 6.31±0.87 8.81±1.15 8.72±1.15 8.61±0.78 8.51±0.92 9.01±1.32
Forest species
U 4.148*** 3.795*** 4.500*** 4.646*** 4.646*** 4.646***
D 87.7±11.11 87.0±11.10 86.7±8.4 65.8±17.11 57.9±15.31 46,3±15.43
C 98.6±2.08 98.7±1.61 97.8±1.56 98.5±0.91 99,2±1.12 96,5±4.15
Eurytopic species
U 2.966** 2.903** 4.653*** 4.646*** 4.646*** 4.646***
D 7.1±8.17 5.9±5.33 8.2±5.95 23.4±15.78 34.5±13.23 47.7±15.94
C 1.2±1.55 1.1±1.58 0.5±0.71 0.5±0.64 0.6±0.87 2.5±3.95
Large zoophages
U 1.494* n.s. n.s. 2.737*** 2.115** 4.272***
D 60.3±17.11 63.4±16.49 72.7±12.4 43.0±21.21 45.7±17.67 33.2±11.46
C 71.8±10.89 67.2±8.88 66.2±11.74 63.0±10.33 59.8±13.51 63.7±12.84
Small zoophages
U n.s. n.s. 3.526*** n.s. 3.650*** 2.862**
D 31.3±14.58 26.6±12.55 17.4±7.18 30.2±11.88 19.6±10.49 21.4±11.11
C 28.1±11.04 32.7±8.82 33.6±11.76 36.6±10.19 39.6±13.27 34.3±11.75
U 4.604*** 3.899*** 4.521*** 4.646*** 4.646*** 4.646***
D 8.5±10.08 10.0±9.18 9.8±7.88 26.8±16.34 34.6±16.17 45.4±16.50
C 0.1±0.31 0.1±0.19 0.3±0.41 0.4±0.71 0.6±1.21 2.0±3.64
Brachypterous species
U n.s. n.s. n.s. 3.816*** 4.134*** 4.646***
D 72.5±15.78 65.3±17.07 78.4±11.02 58.4±16.75 54.3±15.71 42.1±12.72
C 75.2±9.52 68.9±8.56 80.9±7.38 83.2±5.00 85.6±5.18 79.6±7.62
Macropterous species
U n.s. n.s. n.s. 3.028** 3.892*** 4.438***
D 21.5±13.53 31.1±16.37 20.3±11.25 33.2±17.20 37.5±16.00 50.0±15.88
C 23.5±8.60 29.8±8.78 18.6±7.43 16.3±5.00 14.0±5.06 19.1±7.13