Large number of participants possible (23)
Each participant expresses their opinion freely and impersonally
Personal contact between experts
Limits dominance by eminent, eloquent, or highly opinionated individuals in the field
Less likely that the moderator of the panel may bias the group
Substantial amount of time to express ideas, reflect upon answers and make changes
Cheap, convenient and no geographical constraints
Easy to understand, flexible, and can be applied to broad range of topics
Can be used preceding NGT meeting for initial item generation
Generalizability of the study findings (external validity)
Dependent on questionnaire design
Vulnerability with respect to who is an "expert"
Obliviousness to reliability measurement and scientific validation of findings (24)
Potential for bias exists in participant selection
Consensus panel judgments influenced by panel composition and by feedback given during the panel process (25)
Coordinating large groups and several rounds can be complicated and costly
Delphi does not allow any personal contact between the experts