Table 1. Pairwise comparison of treble clef finger structures.
PDB entries of 42 treble clef-containing proteins with sequences shown in the alignment from Figure 2 are numbered and listed in the left column. Top row contains only protein numbers. The values in the upper right half of the table (above the diagonal) are r.m.s.d. in Å between each pair of proteins. Each pair of proteins was superimposed by main chain atoms with the Insight II package (MSI): see Materials and Methods for the definition of superimposed regions. The lower left half of the table (diagonal and below) contains BLOSUM62 (36) scores of sequences aligned on Figure 2. For each pair of sequences, only sites without gaps were used in score calculation. Each raw BLOSUM62 score (the sum of pairwise scores for each site) is multiplied by 10 and divided by the number of sites used in the score calculation. The families are divided by lines. The picture above the table illustrates the origin of the domain name. The structure on the right is a RING finger domain of signal transduction protein Cbl (PDB entry 1fbv, residues A381–A403) depicted as a coil with no smoothing (29,30). N- and C-termini are labeled and Zn2+ is shown as a ball. The same structure (smoothed) is shown in the middle.