Some novel relationships
that are highlighted by the PartsList system. (Upper panel) The occurrence of folds in the E.coli genome
plotted on a log–log scale, i.e. G(ecol) using the nomenclature
in Table 1. The x-axis is the fold occurrence in
the genome, while the y-axis is the number of folds
with a particular occurrence. The fit of the points to a straight
line shows that the falloff obeys a power-law with constants a = 0.35
and b = 1.3 (see text). (Middle panel)
Other attributes that also follow power-law behavior: the average
expression level according to our merged and scaled set [L(ref)
with a = 0.3 and b = 1.2), the number of protein–protein
interactions [I(pdball,none) with a = 0.52 and
b = 1.6], and the number of functions [X(func)
with a = 0.76 and b = 2.5]. (Lower panel) Some attributes that do not follow power-law
behavior: the Asp composition of the fold [B(Ala,pdb100)] and
the number of mobile residues during a motion [M(nresidue,auto)].
The fold occurrence in E.coli is plotted as a reference.