Table 2.
Description of items used to construct multiple problem behavior index, protective and risk factor measures
Items | Response Codes | |
Multiple Problem Behavior Index | ||
1 | Sexual behavior: Have you ever had sexual intercourse? | 1 (Yes), 2 (No) |
How old were you when you first had sexual intercourse? | Age in years | |
2-5 | Substance use: Have you ever used [substance] anytime in your life? (Drugs: miraa, glue, alcohol, cigarettes) | 1 (Yes), 2 (No) |
6-8 | Delinquent behaviors: How many times have you done any of the following things in the last 4 months? | |
Starting a fight with your peers? took or tried to take something that belonged to someone else, without their knowledge?, hit or threatened to hit a peer or adult? | 0 (Never), 1 (Once), 2 (More than once) | |
Social Controls Protection (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.83) | ||
How much would you say your parents/guardians really know about the following things about you: | ||
1-9 | Where you spend time in the evenings on weekdays? Who you spend time with in the evenings on week days? Where you spend time on weekends? Who you spend time with on weekends? What you do during your free time? How you spend your money? Whether you have or do homework? What TV programs, videos, or films you watch? Who your friends are? | 1 (Never know) to 3 (Always know) |
10-11 | How often does your parent/guardian scold or reprimand you when you do something wrong; for example, if you come home late, don't do your chores, watch too much TV? When you do something wrong, how often does your parent/guardian spank or slap you? | 1 (Never) to 5 (Every time) |
12 | If you are currently in school, how important is it to your friends that you do well in school? | 1 (Not too important) to 3 (Very important) |
13-14 | How do most of your friends feel about someone your age drinking alcohol? How do most of your friends feel about someone your age using marijuana or other drugs? | 1 (Strongly disapprove) to 4 (Strongly approve) |
Individual Controls Protection (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.66) | ||
1-6 | How important is it to you to rely on religious teaching when you have a problem? How important is it to you to believe in God? How important is it to you to rely on religious beliefs as a guide for day-to-day living? How important is it to be able to turn to prayer when you are facing a personal problem? How important is finishing secondary school? Going to university? | 1 (Not important) to 4 (Very important) |
7 | How well do you resist peer pressure from the rest of the group? | 1 (Very well) to 4 (Not well at all) |
Please tell me whether you agree or disagree with each statement. | ||
8-9 | Young women should remain virgins till they marry? Young men should remain virgins till they marry? | 1 (Agree) 2 (Disagree) |
Would you say you strongly agree; somewhat agree; neither disagree nor agree; somewhat disagree; or strongly disagree with the following statements about you? | ||
10-13 | In general, I like school a lot? I get along well with my teachers?, I try my best in school?, Doing well in school is important for my future? | 1 (Strongly agree) 5 (Strongly disagree) |
Models Protection (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.64) | ||
1-4 | How many of your friends get good marks in school? How many of your friends participate in sports?, How many of your friends attend church/mosque?, How many of your friends want to go to secondary school/university /college? | 1 (None of them) to 4 (All of them) |
Support Protection (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.77) | ||
1-4 | Since the beginning of this school year, how often has your (father/father figure) checked your homework or asked you to make sure you had done it? Since the beginning of this school year, how often have you talked to your (father/father figure) about any progress or problems you were having at school? Since the beginning of this school year, how often has your (mother/mother figure) checked your homework or asked you to make sure you had done it? Since the beginning of this school year, how often have you talked to your (mother/mother figure) about any progress or problems you were having at school? | 1 (Never) to 5 (Almost every day) |
5-10 | How often does your father/father figure teach you things you didn't know? How often do you share secrets or private feelings with your father/father figure? How often does your father/father figure try to help you when you need something? How often does your mother/mother figure teach you things you didn't know? How often do you share secrets or private feelings with your mother/mother figure? How often does your mother/mother figure try to help you when you need something? | 1 (Never) to 5 (All the time) |
11-15 | When you are with your girlfriend/boyfriend, you feel completely able to relax and be yourself. No matter what happens, you know that your girlfriend/boyfriend will always be there for you, You know that your girlfriend /boyfriend has confidence in you, Your girlfriend /boyfriend /partner often lets you know that he/she thinks you are a worthwhile person. The teachers at my school will spend extra time to help pupils/students do their best | 1 (Strongly agree) 4 (Strongly disagree) |
Would you say you are doing, more than enough, just enough, or not enough to support [child] to: | ||
16-19 | Do (his/her) homework. Not skip school. Get involved in positive activities outside of school (e.g. religious activities, sports etc). Stay in school until he/she graduates from secondary school. | 1 (More than enough) 3 (Not enough) |
Models Risk (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.73) | ||
1-8 | Have any of your brothers or sisters ever had premarital sex? Have any of your brothers or sisters ever smoked or do any currently smoke cigarettes?, Have any of your brothers or sisters ever drunk or do any currently drink alcohol?, Have you ever lived with anyone who was a problem drinker or alcoholic?, Have you witnessed your mother/mother figure being beaten?, Do you know of any close friends who have kissed or been kissed?, Do you know of any close friends who have fondled or been fondled?, Do you know of any close friends who have had sexual intercourse? | 1 (Yes), 2 (No) |
9-10 | Drinking and drug use is a problem at my school, Teachers in my school try to have sex with pupils and sometimes do have sex with them | 1 (Strongly agree) 5 (Strongly disagree) |
11-15 | How many of your friends get into trouble at school (e.g. disciplinary action, get into fights etc)? How many of your friends drink alcohol? Run away from home? Get into trouble with the police? Have sexual intercourse? | 1 (None of them) to 4 (All of them) |
Vulnerability Risk (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.83) | ||
1-3 | How well do you get along with others your age? How well do you live up to what other people expect of you? What about your ability to do well in school (even if you are not in school currently)? | 1 (Very well) to 4 (Not well at all) |
4 | How attractive do you think you are? | 1 (Very attractive) to 4 (Not attractive at all) |
5 | On the whole, how satisfied are you with yourself? | 1 (Very satisfied) to 4 (Not satisfied at all) |
6-15 | What are the chances that you will finish primary school? What are the chances that you will join secondary school? Finish secondary school? Go to university?, have a job that pays well?, be able to own your own home?, have job that you enjoy doing?, have happy family?, stay in good health most of the time?, be respected in your community? | 1 (High) 3 (Low) |